Tuesday, March 26, 2019

5 Ways To Protect Yourself From Online Threats

How safe are you online? We simply take laptop security and personal privacy very seriously only at webrootcom-webroot.com. This is exactly why we’re proud to share our expert’s opinion,  to raise understanding of this safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile devices.

1. Protect your Devices

Think about all the sensitive information stored on your cell phone. Many people today store contacts that are private. Others keep Online-Banking data on our mobiles or use their mobiles as mobile wallets. Even a small fraction of Americans also have naked selfies saved.
But while there’s plenty to be stolen on our phones, Microsoft’s poll reveals that just 33% use a PIN to lock our cell apparatus. Much fewer of us (21%) use mobile security programs. That suggests a lot of sensitive data are in danger should a snoop opt to play around with all our mobiles.
Thankfully, protecting cellular devices is something that can be accomplished quickly and at a little-to-no price.

2. Create Strong Passwords

Just about any account, we make on the web asks us to create a unique password. Could it be any wonder, then that far too many people use easily cracked passwords enjoy our pet’s name or”1234″?
Do not get hacked because you set an idle password or PIN. Microsoft recommends you choose passwords that are”particular, long and strong.” Additionally, it recommends you keep your passwords to yourself, no matter how much it’s killing you to share with someone. You may also wish to consider having a password manager such as the I-Cloud key-chain built into i-OS 7.

3. Use Social Networking Sites More Safely

More than ever before, social media websites are encouraging us to talk about with you all. That is great for advertisers, but it can be downright dangerous for you and also me personally. What happens if someone pulls information from Facebook to steal your personal identity? Or, even worse, what should a stranger be visiting your check-ins and labels to learn where you physically are in most times?
Getting safe on social media means being private social media with personal information. Regularly review your FB privacy settings to make certain that you’re not discussing what you prefer to stay private, such as your phone number. You should also assess these 5 Google privacy settings. Even in the event, you don’t use the Google+ social networking, it may still be leaking your personal email into the entire world.

4. Take Extra Steps to Keep Kids Safe

It’s true that you may know the ins and outs of Online safety like the back of one’s hands. However, does your kid? Play online with the children. Have conversations with your kids about everything they do online, and remind them not to talk about any personally identifiable details. Place cubes on web sites that you never want children using.

5. Protect Sensitive Personal Information

If you are doing any online banking, stock trading or create additional sensitive online transactions, then you should exercise extra care. Don’t get into your accounts while on people WiFi — such networks are notoriously hackable. Always access your accounts by checking the URL yourself, and not by using a message connection. When you do join, ensure that your transactions are encoded (look for the”https”).
Connor Madsen is a Threat Research Analyst, tasked with discovering and identifying new information to ensure better online security. Don’t miss the latest security news from around the world in our weekly blog at www.webroot.com/safe.

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